My first E-reflection about Technology and Language Learning

       The first time when I received Study Activity Card (KAK) from Academic Services Offices (ASO), I felt curious because I looked at the one of the courses which I have not ever learnt before. It was Technology and Language Learning subject. It also usually called by TLL subject. At that time, there were some big questions in my heart about TLL course. Who was the lecturer? What was TLL? Why did English teacher-candidate have to learn about TLL course?  I was looking forward for the first meeting of this course.
            When I got the first and second meeting of TLL course, I felt surprised, because of the lecturer. The lecturer who was going to teach me was Mr. Teguh. Did you know who Mr. Teguh was? He was my Language Acquisition and Development lecturer in the second semester. I think I have known Mr. Teguh well, because I have known him for one semester. That is why it will be easier for me in following his class. Besides, in the first and second meeting of TLL course, I can realize that as a next generation of high quality teacher, I have to able to use technology in learning and teaching process for example computer and software.
            I think I have found the answers of my big questions since I got first and second meeting of this course. Those are there is a relationship between technology and language in teaching learning process. It is by using technology media, teaching and learning process will be easier than using traditional media, such as radio, tape recorder, CD, Over Head Projector (OHP), computer, TV and so on. They can learn language through the pictures which are colorful, and certainly by audio visual. Besides, by using technology students will get some new ways in learning language. It will make them interested in learning language. If they are interested in learning language, they will learn language diligently, happily and cheerfully. If they feel happily in learning English language, they will be able to absorb all knowledge well.

            From the TLL course, I can reflect to myself that as a teacher I have to know and being able to integrate between ICT and language in learning process. I also can know that what are advantages and disadvantages in using the technologies in the classroom. I also have to be able to consider which technologies are suitable based on the material in using for learning process.
            During I get TLL class session, I feel so happy in his class because the lecturer teaches me with cheerful, smiles, and sometimes he makes a joke. I realize that TLL is very useful in teaching learning process. May be I will face some difficulties later. But, I believe to myself that I must be able face them well in this course. Again, I certainly know my proficiency in using ICT. Although, my ability is still progressing, I believe that where there is a will, there always will be a way for everyone else who wants to struggle. I hope later when I have graduated from SSE, I really can be a professional teacher which is able to use technology in English teaching process.