Assessment as the Power of Learning Process

Reflective journal

What will come up in your mind, when you hear the word “assessment” in first time? What do you think of this word? Assessment has quite tight relationship with score and assignments. They exist because of the assessment. Assessment is also a part of assignment and score is the measurement to measure assessment. Assessment comes after the assignment given by the teacher.
According to me, the learners mostly have different feeling when they hear the word assessment.  The learners feel uncomfortable with this word, even until student of university whereas, this words have they heard since they joined in the elementary school.  Besides, they have various feeling about this words. They feel getting bored, worried, afraid, and even they hate this word like they want to destroy this word by bomb.
Assessment is used by the teacher is to know how far student understanding and mastering the topics of the material. The important think of the assessment does not only want to get high score in certainly the topics but the knowledge of those topics. Life is not always under the score. Score is made by the human, so it means that the score which is given only covers what extent human expectation and views on the topics. The score only consists of one until ten numbers. It is not fair if measuring the intelligences of someone only by the score moreover, by paper pencil test only. The successful of someone is not only measured by the highest score. In fact, there are many factors which determine someone success, for instance emotional question and the power of environmental sociability.
The assessment consists of two kinds. They are conventional model and standards-based model. The conventional model, is one of the instruction models which uses the old or ordinary way  for instance paper and pencil test while standards-based model is the new model in assessment for instance performances, exhibition, presentation, role-play and so on.  However, both conventional model and standards-based model have strength and weakness in each function. In assessment also, there are summative assessment and formative assessment. The summative assessment is assessment which used in the end of the session, for instance final examination test while the formative assessment is assessment which used in the during of the session happened, for instance daily assessment in the class by doing the test, or presentation for particular topic in the group.
What have I learnt in the previous session of the PETA, was something useful for my life. As the candidate of the teacher, assessment is something important because by doing assessment I can know the right way to assess my students. I can practice this way when I teach my private students. I can use this concept as a part of my way in assessing my students. Also, from this topic, I can realize what should I do, and I do not do as a teacher. For the reason, assessment has motivation influence to the students. That is why as a teacher I have to guide and lead my students to have high motivation.
In the previous meeting, PETA worked success in transferring the material to my brain. I felt confused on how assessment role in teaching and assessment, but after I got this lecture, I could understand it although sometimes I still feel vague about the type of the assessment which uses the government or some institution which does not consider about the validity aspect and reliability aspect, but overall I felt happy. For the next meeting, I hope the topics and the activity will be more interested, amazing, and having fun in learning.